Well here is a picture of the last few moments at Jeff's Mom and Dad's house and since the day was warmer the snow was melting just enough for me and Lisa to make one snowman before we left. So Kimi here is the snowman you wanted to see. Ha Ha!
We got a late start because of the snow the night before and that put us driving into the heavy fog that stretched about 4 hours south, but as you know in heavy fog it took us much longer. So after driving in rain, sleet, freezing rain, ice, snow, and finally heavy fog I am ready to be home! Can't you tell?
It is about a 812 mile drive there and looking at the trip meter we only have 26 miles to go. hooray!
We had an awesome time up in Wisconsin and we enjoyed every minute of it thanks to Mom, Dad, Pam, Brad, Linden, Leandra, Kaye, Justine, and Lisa. Thanks guys we had a great Christmas. Here is a familiar sight.
And of course I didn't come home empty handed. I received tons of gifts from everybody up there and a new mixer to boot from Jeff.
These dishes were a great blessing from Jeff's mom becasue as you know I love the oldies and these are around 30 years old according to Jeff's mom and she gave them to me! How awesome is that? The story behind the dishes is even better as Jeff (who knows how much I like old stuff) told his mom I wouldn't want them! I said "WHAT?" Then I told him to call her back and tell her that yes I would want them. Then as we were leaving the next dilemma was how to fit all this extra stuff in the car. Well when it was all said and done we fit it all with room to spare.