Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We are still here just busy!

We haven't gone anywhere although if this blog were proof of that some would have to wonder. We have just been a very busy bunch of people lately as we are so close to moving into the new church and praying there every night, coupled together with a new Bible study, and just plain trying to keep up with the daily tasks that never seem to go away no matter how much we are away. I find rest in the fact that this is merely a season that comes with change; therefore, at the end comes an even greater change in us. We are extremely excited to be moving into our new
church and we know as well as anyone that it isn't just going to happen, and therefore it takes us to make it happen. The giving of time is a small price to pay for the revival we are about to not only witness, but also be a part of. Of course all this has been going on and school also started a few weeks ago, so those days I used to have.........gone, but not forgotten. Ha Ha! I love school and I love all the kids that we teach. This year I have two of my same students: Caila & Korie, then I have one new student: Anthony. I also have the pleasure of teaching a few classes to the high schoolers this year. I just thought I would include a few of the school pictures I have been able to take so far this year.


Journey to Lilly! said...

We are so blessed to have you as Anthony's teacher! He loves your class! Thanks for all your hard work & dedication! Your reward in heaven will surely be awesome!!
lv u,

Journey to Lilly! said...

You are such a blessing!!! Anthony love having you as a teacher. I am still waiting on that bread? hehe!! I enjoyed our visit & can't wait to really be moved in completely so I can have more free time to be involved with you guys!
lv u,

Livin' with the North in the South said...

Sorry it took so long to reply to your comment we have been so busy. It has been a great year so far and I love having Anthony in my class. He is a great young man. I also cant wait till you guys have more time also.I will work on that bread this week.May God Bless you and your family

Journey to Lilly! said...

The muffins were awesome!! mmmmmm good!! Thank you so much. We will have to get together & talk whole grain hehe!
lv & blessings to you!

July 4th 2013

Here are some of the pictures from our 4th of July day this year. We had my Sister in Law Pam, Brad, and Linden in for a visit and we did a ...